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- File directory is full.
- Disk is full.
- Specified volume doesn’t exist.
- An I/O error happened.
- End of file reached before expected.
- Too many files open.
- File not found.
- The disk is write protected.
- The file is locked.
- The volume is locked.
- File is open by another application.
- File already open with write permission.
- Bad parameters were used in an IO call.
- Error while getting file position.
- Volume not on line (it was ejected).
- Attempt to open a locked file for writing.
- Bad master directory block.
- Permission for this file doesn’t allow writing.
- Directory not found.
- No free WDCB available.
- Wrong volume type error (operation not supported for MFS).
- Server volume has been disconnected.
- No such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num).
- Drive not installed.
- R/W requested for an off-line drive.
- Couldn’t find 5 nybbles in 200 tries.
- Couldn’t find valid addr mark.
- Read verify compare failed.
- Addr mark checksum didn’t check.
- Bad addr mark bit slip nibbles.
- Couldn’t find a data mark header.
- Bad data mark checksum.
- Bad data mark bit slip nibbles.
- Write underrun occurred.
- Step handshake failed.
- Track 0 detect doesn’t change.
- Unable to initialize IWM.
- Tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive.
- Unable to correctly adjust disk speed.
- Track number wrong on address mark.
- Sector number never found on a track.
- Can’t find sector 0 after track format.
- Can’t get enough sync.
- Track failed to verify.
- Unable to read same clock value twice.
- Time written did not verify.
- SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR).
- Break received (SCC).
- Not enough memory.
- Resource not found.
- Resource file not found.
- AddResource failed.
- RemoveResource failed.
- Out of physical memory.
- Can’t decompress a compressed resource.
- Unknown error.